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Soccer is the devil...

Jason Samenow @ 11:09 PM

Actually, Kathy Bates' line from "The Water Boy" is "Foosball is da devil", but since I forecast weather I'm allowed to be inaccurate (it only happens once in a great while). Where is Samenow going with this, you ask...? You see, I stumbled upon this footage (Windows Media player required for viewing) of a dust devil interrupting a soccer game somewhere in the Orient. Pretty amazing video (and kinda funny).

I could try to write a transition linking dust devils in the Orient with the Independence Day forecast, but it's been a long day and my brain is fried like a crisp wonton. Bottom line: My holiday forecast remains mostly unchanged from yesterday. I'll add in that there is a chance of some thunderstorms this evening (which I hadn't mentioned before). But for Friday through Sunday, we're still looking at a chance of storms each afternoon/evening with generally muggy conditions.

Finally, the team had its second meeting yesterday. We have a lot planned in the next year and will strive to continue improving the offerings on this site. We encourage you to keep visiting, to comment and to spread the word.

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