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Northeast Recap

Andrew Freedman @ 5:37 PM

Satellite image courtesy NASAWhile we enjoyed a light to moderate snowfall this weekend, along with a dusting this afternoon, New England got absolutely hammered with snow and wind as the coastal low "bombed out" off of Cape Cod Saturday night. My family in Swampscott, Mass. received 35 inches, with 6 foot drifts and 60 mph winds. Winds on Nantucket gusted to 84 mph. According to my little brother, "It was crazy outside." Man am I jealous!

The storm was well forecasted, and since it hit on a weekend, there were relatively few travel problems. Check out these snow/wind totals. The storm ranked as the fifth largest snowfall at Logan Airport in Boston, although areas just to the north, west, and even south got more snow than the airport observation site (making me a bit suspect of the 22.5 inch reading, perhaps blowing snow played a role in that?). Still, I am jealous. Also, check out this NOAA graphic of snow depth, it's a new product and shows how the D.C. area was skipped over by both the primary clipper low and the coastal storm.

New York, Hartford, Providence and Southern New Hampshire/Vermont also got into the action with 10-20 inches. Did I mention that I am jealous? Hopefully we'll have better luck next time for snow lovers.

Pictured: The New England Blizzard of 2005 shows an eye-like feature on satellite

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