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The Little Chill

Steve Scolnik @ 4:45 PM

Today's weather map shows high pressure dominating nearly the entire continental U.S. with the only significant precipitation in the Pacific Northwest. After an early morning low of 26, south and southwesterly winds are raising mid afternoon temperatures to the mid and upper 40s in the Washington DC metro area and to 50° in the southern portions of the region. The reading of +1° F reported at 9pm last night should undoubtedly have been in Celsius.

Yesterday's range of 29 to 39 was just enough to eke out a -1° departure from "normal". This keeps the month so far just one tenth of a degree away from breaking into the top 10 warmest Januarys of all time in Washington.

Tonight and Tomorrow

Lows tonight under clear skies will be near 30 in the city, mid 20s in the 'burbs. The warmup continues tomorrow with partly cloudy skies and upper 50s likely.

Hurricane Season Extended

The National Hurricane Center has been using the down time before the start of the next hurricane season to review observations from the record-breaking season of 2005. The report for Cindy has just been released, and it shows that the storm was briefly a hurricane, bringing the season total to 15.

Snowy Dog Days

Saturday midnight marks the beginning of the Chinese Year of the Dog. You can access the forecasts of the China Meteorological Administration on the web in English and Chinese. The Hong Kong Observatory is predicting showers and a temperature range of 14-17° C. The Xinhua News Agency reports that northeastern Hubei Province in Central China has been recently hit by heavy snowfalls ranging as high as 50 to 60 cm.

Image from Xinhua

It Could Happen the Night after Tomorrow (and Thereafter in Reruns)

Having virtually destroyed New York (Cat 3 hurricane) and Dallas (F5 tornado) in previous episodes, the Weather Channel will wipe out Seattle with the eruption of Mt. Rainier Sunday night at 9:30, repeated at 12:30am, and most likely many times in the future.

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