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Humidity Hiatus; To Return in July

A. Camden Walker @ 1:02 AM

Forecast: We'll Simmer, not Scorch

Sunshine today will be accompanied by low humidity. Considering we're entering our climatologically highest daily maximum temperatures, I think it's a bargain not having a sweaty suit drenched when arriving at my desk. From our 60s this morning, we'll slowly climb into the mid-80s by 4pm. Enjoy today's very decent summer weather, but warmth minus mugginess can't last! It's DC and July approaches...No clouds, no rain, high pressure reigns!

Above graphic courtesy of

simply cloudy, but radiational cooling may vary with locationTonight will be at least partially cloudy, but lows will slip below 70--even downtown. Some suburbs may see 60°. The humidity will begin to creep in by dawn...

Saturday & Sunday: July Says Hello

humidity returns, and with storms?Saturday's mugginess compounds the possibility of 90 degrees an unpleasant reality check. Storm chances are very low, despite your craving refreshment from the heat. With few clouds in the sky, UV will be high-- so wear the sunscreen.

Sunday continues the trend and the oven really begins to bake. 72° or 73° for a morning low (urban areas) launches our trek to 95 degrees under mainly sunny skies. It will feel like July. Humidity will be high (if you didn't already sense my dread) and T-storms have a decent 25-30% of popping in an isolated manner through the Metro Area. Seek shaaaaade and water.

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